Physiotherapy & Sustainability
“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.”
United Nations Development Programme, 2022
The Europe Region of World Physiotherapy endorses sustainable and environmental responsibility in the face of the climate crisis and its relevance to health.​
The Europe Region has developed a set of recommendations to assist physiotherapists and patients through a key role in developing and defining the role of physiotherapists and their practices in making a significant contribution to the transition to a sustainable society. Together with other health professions, as well as patient groups, they can raise awareness of the strong connections between health and environmental issues. For example, reducing air pollution to prevent and reduce respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, reducing opioid prescriptions by offering non-pharmacological treatment options, increasing physical activities, creating green spaces and developing cycle paths and other facilities that improve air quality/cleaner air and encourage more physical activity throughout life.

The Europe Region is proposing the development of Guidelines on the following topics:
SDGs and Physiotherapy Practices.
Europe Region Environmental Guidelines.
Physiotherapy and the European Green Deal.
The Europe Region is proposing to implement the following initiatives:​
Promote the inclusion of the SDGs in Entry-Level Physiotherapy Programmes.
Promote the consideration of the SDGs whilst addressing global crisis such as pandemics.
Include the SDGs in the webinar series of Europe Region.
Promote the active participation of physiotherapists onto committees addressing SDGs within the health sector.
Support environmental initiatives in Europe Region such as promoting remote/hybrid congresses, remote working, public transport usage and promote reductions in travel, printing, single use plastics, water and light usage. Set reduction targets such as reduce in-person meetings.
The Europe Region is proposing to assist the current physiotherapy practices by:
Raising awareness on sustainable development among physiotherapists and empower physiotherapists to increase their positive contribution to and reduce their negative impact on SDGs in their daily work.
Promote the profession as one of the lowest contributors to emission of Green House Gases within the health sector.
Encourage and support the Member Organisations to be environmentally aware about SDGs in physiotherapy practices.
Encourage and support the Member Organisations to develop their own organisational environmental policy.